Monday, February 1, 2010

Karate Kid? Wut?

I was out watching, Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs, yesterday with my cousins. Just when I was set to have some family fun-fun time, it hit me. There was a trailer for Karate Kid. A new one. My reaction can be summed up with this picture.

Karate Kid? A remake? Are you fucking kidding me? Karate Kid? Jesus Christ! What, has Hollywood absolutely run out of ideas? Are they scraping the moist ground under the bottom of the barrel? What the hell!?

What!? It stars Jackie Chan! JACKIE CHAN! Jackie why? Huh!? Why would you do this to me, a fan? WHY!? Karate Kid! KARATE KID!

It stars some black kid named Jaden Smith who moves to China and gets picked on. (Fish out of water, cue laughter, hilarity ensues) He probably gets a crush on some girl or something. What the!? Huh? So Jackie Chan is gonna teach him Karate. NO! Kung Fu! KUNG FU! It should be Wushu Kid goddamnit! What!?

Huh!? The world does not need another Karate Kid movie. The last one was punishment enough. What!?

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