Thursday, August 1, 2019


The handful of people who read this blog are wondering why I haven't been writing anything recently. There are a couple of reasons.

Firstly, my work involves a lot of reading and writing, mostly of legal papers. It's all so tedious. The nature of legalese is to torture the reader. Whole paragraphs are used to explain what can be said in one sentence. You can't help but do it yourself. Sometimes the paragraphs don't look "fat" enough to be important, you know?

Naturally, when I get home I just want to chill and watch whatever rancid garbage Netflix has on offer or numb the brain with video games and what have you. Letters on a page I don't want to see.

Secondly, I have become very detached to politics and pop culture. I just don't feel much of anything anymore.

When it comes to politics, I'm at a loss. I'm finally understanding that I don't really understand. I feel like everything I'm seeing is a lie and everything I think I know is wrong. To put it in another way, I'm trying to reorganize the way I view the world, preferably into a way that's less disappointed and angry.

When it comes to pop culture, I'm getting over it. It's all garbage. It's nice to talk about with friends but it's ultimately meaningless. The "new" Lion King movie just made a trillion dollars or something at the box office. You can't help but be cynical. Since Philippine entertainment follows close to American entertainment, there's this "woke" garbage. Everything's moving so fast. It's all so tiring.

Is this what getting old feels like?

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