Saturday, May 7, 2016

Desperate Times

Yesterday, in an act which can only be described as desperate, Mar Roxas made an appeal for him and Poe to "unite" to save the country from a Duterte presidency. Unite? Does Mar not know that only one of them can win this thing?

No other message could be implied from his act other than one telling Poe to step aside to let him win. To Mar, perhaps the act of rolling over for some other guy seems like normal behavior seeing as how he did that himself, but I hope Mar realizes now that not everyone is an extreme doormat like him. Besides, what guarantee is there that Poe's votes would redound to his benefit and not just end up as more for Duterte or even Binay? 

They're frazzled. They're not thinking straight. No wait, they're not thinking at all. The now very real possibility of them losing their grip on power is just hitting them. Pnoy and Mar are cranking up the fear-mongering past eleven. To hear them tell it, if Duterte wins, the Philippines would instantly sink to the bottom of the Pacific.

If the people want to elect a possible murderer, let them. That's how democracies work. Sometimes you just got to let these things happen. Duterte might turn out to be a great president... or an unmitigated disaster but hey, that's the way it works. That's the way this system, which Pnoy's mother had a hand in designing by the way, works. So suck it up, El Presidente and stop acting like a nervous wreck. You're embarrassing yourself more than you usually do. I thought the people were your "bosses" or does that no longer mean anything?

Come to your senses.

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