Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Candidates' Debate 2

I complained before that the debates were too tame. Last Sunday was a vast improvement. It's about time the candidates got into each other's faces. We even had our first televised incidence of Godwin's Law when Duterte compared Mar Roxas to Joseph Goebbels! A milestone!

So who won? I'd say Duterte and Poe won if only that they seemed the most likable of the bunch. Duterte probably won over people with his crass but funny comments. It sounds simplistic but it's probably true. Likability and charm is more important than actual substance.

The loser in this debate is the Filipino people, ultimately. As for the candidates, Mar didn't look too good. The other candidates were piling on him relentlessly. It really is a double-edged sword, this daang matuwid gimmick he plays. It only works if people buy into it. If people don't, then the track record of this present administration is one giant millstone tied to your neck.

Binay didn't look too good either. He caused the hour of delay due to his kvetching and the whole debate seemed to move too fast for him.

Miriam lost because she wasn't there but on the bright side, she "won" the debate on Twitter mainly because the others couldn't tweet her back in real time. If she had been there, I'm sure things would have gone from heated to explosive.

Sadly, no chairs were thrown.

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