Monday, November 19, 2012

Poor Man's SWTOR

Star Wars: The Old Republic, an MMORPG on the PC, went free-to-play recently much to the rejoicing of the anti-EA, anti-Bioware crowd. Well, good news for me since I used to pay and play for it.
When I reinstalled it to the PC, I was warned that a lot of the features I was used to would be cut and that I would need to subscribe to get them. Fair enough but goddamn, I wasn't expecting it to be so different.
I thought limited access to the end game content like dungeons and PVP would be enough but apparently, I need to pay for interface options like a second action bar. How am I supposed to kick ass with just one action bar? Unlike the mouth breathers that usually infest MMOs, I actually use more than two keys. I'd like to have all options on the table. Also, I need to pay to use the titles I earned, take of my helmet in cutscenes (seriously) and a bunch of other crap.
I know that since its free, I'm not really entitled to anything but come on, they could stand to have kept the interface stuff. Oh well.
Its time to rage.

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