Saturday, June 2, 2012


Cebu needs parks.

Sometimes when I go to the Ayala mall, I pass by the empty lots owned by the corporation that hasn't been developed yet. I see a lot of people, usually whole families, just sitting on the grass relaxing. I see joggers passing by and children playing. It's a shame that there's no large public parks for people to enjoy. Maybe a few years from now buildings will be constructed on those undeveloped tracts of private land. Where will the people go?

There are small parks and recreational areas in Cebu. Some of them are too small and out of the way. Some areas are simply barren land not even intended to be used that way. I'm reminded of Central Park in New York when I went there to visit. It was a huge park with its own man-made lake. It was very accessible and it was a nice oasis of greenery in the urban landscape.

Why doesn't Cebu have something like that? I guess when you have a government that's perpetually starved of funds, little things like parks and recreation aren't high on the priority list. And why bother setting aside areas for relaxation when you could have a strip mall or whatever built there to generate tax revenue. You know, with the "development at all costs" approach the government has, the concept of parks sounds silly. It doesn't generate taxes and it costs a bit to maintain and clean up. People will probably litter and ruin it since there aren't security guards on patrol like in the private lots. Still, as the people in Ayala lands prove, people do make use of such spaces. I think that parks are even a necessity in city life. It can't be good to have all concrete and smog in your face. People need room to breath in this ever shrinking and tightening city.

It is good to enjoy simple things like fresh air, the warm sun and a cool breeze on your face.

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