Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Church Again

Oh boy.

The government, in a stunning display, actually decided to do its job and address the issue of birth control and safe sex. Unfortunately, like the way government usually goes about doing things, it involves the handing out of free crap. The crap in this case being condoms. But hey, its free.

The Church is raising a big stink about it. Religious groups are planning to go all out in full force to protest and march against the government condom giveaway bonanza. I can imagine a thousand better ways to spend all that time, energy and manpower to help the poor but I guess rogue condoms are the greatest threat to national security now.

The reason, as far as I can discern from their babbling in media interviews, why the Church has its panties in a bunch basically rests on these simple, flawed and sophomoric arguments. First, its immoral. It just is. Shut up. Second, it promotes promiscuity. Lastly, the Church, not government, should have the monopoly on giving free crap away. Oops, I mean, Its anti-life.

Well look, "morality" doesn't make for very good argumentation. For one, the Church cannot claim to be the sole source of morality. "Why is this wrong? Because God said so and he told me." Sounds stupid right? Cite all the scripture you want but it just wont stop people from screwing around. Which brings me to the second point.

How does the act of giving out condoms promote promiscuity? How does that work? I give a guy a condom and suddenly he automatically wants to bump uglies? Does government give sly winks and gentle nudges too? Look, the government, for once, is on to something. People are already promiscuous. In our oversexed, overcommercialized, overhyped and overblown culture, people sleep around all the time. The celebutards on TV do it and it doesn't shock anybody anymore. So why not give them condoms? They might as well have some protection while they do it. Besides, a person can easily buy a pack of condoms for cheap from any nearby gas station store or pharmacy so what's the freaking point to all of this, ultimately? Oh I see, the poor can't afford condoms. Yeah right. Bottles of gin and beer but can't buy a few plastic balloons?

Lastly, on the argument that its anti-life, they don't explain why since its stuff only they and the mentally challenged can understand. I can only assume what they mean but doesn't anti-life mean killing something? If condoms prevent conception then there's no life to kill? This is all technical stuff and it pains me to play in that level but its fun. Calling these points as "arguments" is like calling bowel movements as major life events.

This is all ridiculous. The government's plan, in the end, won't amount to much as usual while the Church goes on and on about things only it can understand. I wish that the church would just shut up and realize nobody is paying attention. They talk a good lot but can't really control human behavior. Stop taking it out on the government. At least the government is trying to mitigate the damage to our society from the people's stupid decisions.

What a colossal waste of time.

1 comment:

  1. It's because the Church wants its flock to remain desperately poor ...easier to manipulate. Sad, really.
