Monday, May 17, 2021

The Jab

    People at the office were talking about these vaccines like you would talk about buying a car. Which brand is better? They talk about the efficacy of the vaccines like one would talk about how strong a pickup's engine is. It's not like people have a choice. It hasn't reached the point yet where people can buy the vaccine they want at the local 7-Eleven. You can only get what's available.

    More choices will only add to the "vaccine hesitancy" anyway. To be honest, I'm hesitant to take the vaccine. I admit that my reluctance comes from a bad gut feeling, I won't bother talking "science", everyone has already made up their minds. I don't see the point. Even if you're vaccinated, you can still catch the Chinaflu and spread it around. 

    I would rather wait and see but the day will come when I can't put it off. The social pressure to take the vaccine is too much. Individual choice is an illusion and it always was. It probably won't kill me but if it does, I can enjoy a good "I told you so" moment at the very least. That's not too bad.

Monday, May 3, 2021